Simon Reginald Walker is a 30-year-old government politician who enjoys meditation, helping old ladies across the road and watching television. He is friendly and inspiring, but can also be very rude and a bit cowardly.
He is a Mexican Buddhist who defines himself as gay. He started studying philosophy, politics and economics at college but never finished the course. He is obsessed with running.
Physically, Simon is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. He is very tall with fair skin, ginger hair and green eyes.
He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. His parents separated when he was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home.
He is currently in a relationship with Jodi Garfield Holland. Jodi is 18 years older than him and works as a receptionist.
Simon's best friend is a government politician called Renee Franklin. They are inseparable. He also hangs around with Andrei Hawkins and Rufus Miller. They enjoy bridge together.

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